SECURE Acronym by Beth Moore
Saturday, I went to see a Beth Moore Simulcast at my church. She talked about her book “So Long, Insecurity”, and how to be a woman secure in Christ and in the world around her. A secure woman is… S aved from herself – I have nothing to gain from my insecurity. It will never improve anything. Insecurity is not humility, it is selfishness. When I choose to be a secure woman, I don’t have to be obsessed about what others think of me and can think of myself less often. E ntitled to truth – Insecurity is not a weakness, it is unbelief. The truth is God doesn’t make mistakes. He made me the way I am and thinks I am beautiful. I am wonderful in his eyes. C lothed with intention – I must choose to be secure every day in every situation, even if I don’t feel secure. I can’t just wait to feel secure because it will never happen. U pended by grace – Grace is forgiveness. Insecurity causes me to be easily offended and not want to forgive. But grace is something that I can give away yet ...