What I've been up to lately

Hey, everybody!

So I've been really busy with cosmetology school since August and haven't had much time to update. School has been a lot of fun! I've also been busy planning an online modest fashion show over at my other blog, Mod Style Lounge. This is the release:

"A Girl’s Life Fashion Week is a modest fashion show hosted here, at Mod Style Lounge, for those of us who are proud to be girls, but protective of the bodies God has entrusted us with. The event takes place October 1-8, 2010. What you’ll do is post yourself wearing an outfit that fits within the theme of each day. You must participate in at least 5 of the 8 days to have a chance to win. The themes of each day will be... (go here to read more: http://modstylelounge.blogspot.com/2010/09/girls-life-fashion-week.html)

Join the fun!!!

Before you leave, I want to share probably one of the best music videos I've ever seen. Check it out!


  1. Neat video! Definitely well made! I probably will not be able to do the fashion show. I've been a little slow in updating!! Thanks for the invite though, and good luck! :)


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