True Beauty Day

Most of you know of my passion for girls to see their true beauty and helping them feel as beautiful as they really are. That was the reason for my career decision as a cosmetologist. I've been carrying on the Operation Beautiful mission by having the words "You Are BEAUTIFUL" written on my mirror at school. (My mom even wrote a post about this, it impacted her...check it out!

As I was coming home from school yesterday (after lamenting over my nail that broke off earlier) I was listening to the radio, as always, and heard an interveiw with Gracie Flanagan, the mind behind an event called "True Beauty Day".

True Beauty Day takes place Friday, April 22nd, 2011. Four years ago, she and her friend came up with the idea for True Beauty Day their freshman year of high school. Gracie's friend joked about how she really didn't want wear makeup to school tomorrow, so she and Gracie decided for the next week at school, they wouldn't wear makeup and would let their "true beauty" show. This was the beginning of the idea.

What Gracie realized is, "society has such a screwed up definition of beauty," and "every women, girl, and child is beautiful both inside and out; yet today’s society makes finding outer beauty harder and harder for millions around the world."

So Gracie decided to do something about it. She created a day where females could show their true beauty by not wearing designer clothes and wearing little or no makeup. The purpose of this was to show that "the makeup you're wearing and the brands you're wearing don't make you who you are," she says. "It's what's on the inside and what Jesus gave us that's important."

If you're attending this event or want more information, go to If you're participating, click "attending" and come back and tell me. Unfortunetly, I will not be able to attend because of school rules that we must have our hair and makeup done everyday before we arrive, but I would love to know who is able to participate.

(Me and one of my beautiful clients/friends) =]


  1. Thank you for such wonderful support! It is through amazing and caring individuals, like yourself, that True Beauty Day succeeds!!!

  2. A post about True Beauty Day is scheduled to also go up on my fashion and beauty blog, Mod Style Lounge, tomorrow! Keep an eye out!

  3. "Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised." ~Proverbs 31:30
    So Sad I missed this!

  4. This is so cool! I wish that more women saw themselves as God sees them. You have chosen a difficult and amazing mission field, I will definitely be praying. Keep it up and ROCK ON!


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