My First Publishing Success!

My thing is fiction. It's what I write best and it's what I love. So when my mom came up with the idea that I should enter a devotion writing contest for teen girls, I wasn't so sure. The prize for this contest was a scholarship to a writer's conference in North Carolina. Conference equals a lot of people and I'm a very introverted person. So I couldn't have cared less about this idea.
I also like photography. The picture you see on this post is mine. We have a garden of beans and they were just beginning to make their way through so I got out my camera and began to take pictures. As I played with the angles of my camera on the rows of beans, I spotted a tiny green stem pushing through the soil. I could just hear it grunting breathlessly as it tried to break through. "I know exactly how you feel," I whispered to the sprout. For my whole life I've been the quiet girl, trying to break though the hard, clumpy dirt. That night as I laid in bed, God inspired me to write. It didn't match up with the rest of the devotions on the site, which was what they wanted to see, but I strongly felt God guiding my fingers as they bounced on the keys. I finished my devotion and sent it in, more because I felt I was supposed to do it rather than I wanted to do it. A couple weeks later, I got a call telling me I was one of the winners. I was stunned. I didn't know what to say. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open like an idiot. But when I got off the phone, it hit me. I won a contest! I never win anything! (which is actually sadly true.) To read my winning devotion click here: The conference takes place July 31-August 2. We'll see how God helps me grow!


  1. Great job and congrats on your first post!! You do know we are very proud of the Godly woman you are and still are becoming....right?!!! :)

  2. I'm so excited for you, Sarah! I love the new blog design and I can't wait to watch how God grows you through this blog and the conference :)

  3. Congratulations, Sarah! I had the privilege of attending Write!Canada as a result of winning their novice writer's conference. It was a very encouraging experience. Keep writing for God's glory :)

  4. Wow! I am so encouraged by your words and creativity. Keep following God's prompting and voice in your heart. He truly is a love worth going after! I look forward to reading your future writings!

  5. Congratulations, Sarah! That is one awesome devotion! I can certainly see why you won a scholarship.

    I love the analogy and how you compared it to your own life. I have a hunch God is using She Speaks as a way to help you sprout and grow in the Son. Don't be surprised if He does some wonderful things there.

    By the way, I have a cyber friend's daughter who is also a winner in that contest and will be there.

    I hope to meet you there. I won't be attending, but I will be volunteering all day on Saturday and in and out on Thurs and Friday. Ask someone at the book table where to find me on Saturday and be sure to come introduce yourself.

    I can't wait to read more of your writing!


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