A First Time For Everything...

When I look back, I can see I’ve pretty much been writing for my whole life. I can remember back to my first book at the age of ten, handwritten in colored ink pens in a pink paper notebook, drawings scribbled all over the pages. The writing wasn’t the greatest, but, hey, it was a start.

So what about you? When did you start writing? What was your first piece like?


  1. How precious!

    My first official "piece" was in fourth grade. It was a Halloween story written for extra credit on wide ruled notebook paper in curly Q handwriting. The funny thing is that I can remember exactly where I was when I was writing it. I was at our large square coffee table in the formal living room of our house in Houston, Texas and I wrote it in the evening after supper. I remember it so well because my beloved teacher, Mrs. Kirtley, wrote a nice comment on it and from that day forward I've wanted to be a writer.

  2. To be honest, I can't really remember a time where I wasn't writing. Even before I could read, I imagined all sorts of stories, since I had a huge imagination (OK, still do). But the first story I wrote, I was 6 or 7, and I was retelling the story of Joseph and the plagues. I found it awhile ago, and couldn't help but laugh at sentences like this: "And Joseph tolt Pharaoh to let his people go, but he did NOT." Haha :)

  3. I still remember the first story I wrote when I was like six. I remember that was the day I knew I wanted to be a writer. :-)


  4. Just wanted to let you know I gave you an award on my blog. :)


  5. Sarah,
    Did I know you were homeschooled? Somehow I think I missed that! I'm homeschooling my children, and I'm so inspired to see your early books and to know that you are still writing! Blessings!

  6. Ok this is going to be weird but i had to be forced to write the 1st story was when i had to write it in the ???? grade.I dont member the grade


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